
Fri - 07/30/10. 2Q10.

Sad sad day...

NEW YORK (AP) - Shares of Genworth Financial Inc. plunged Friday, a day after the insurer and financial-services company's second-quarter results widely missed Wall Street's expectations.

THE SPARK: Late Thursday, Genworth said its second-quarter income totaled $42 million, or 8 cents per share, compared with a loss of $50 million, or 11 cents per share, in the year-ago period. On an adjusted basis, net operating income was 24 cents a share. That fell short of the Wall Street consensus estimate of 28 cents per share, according to an analyst poll by Thomson Reuters.

THE BIG PICTURE: Genworth's insurance business, especially its mortgage insurance division, was hit hard over the last year and a half by investment losses due to deteriorating financial conditions and a slumping housing market. The outlook has improved, but a 45 percent decline in life insurance income during the second quarter spooked investors.

Mortgage-insurance policies cover losses when borrowers default and lenders are unable to recover their losses.
SHARE ACTION: Shares of the Richmond, Va., company fell $2.21, or 14 percent, to close at $13.58 Friday. The stock has ranged from $6.45 to $19.36 over the past year.

07/29/2010. Thursday. Brazilians.

Karlla has some Brazilian friends that have been living here for years and years. E brasileiro que é brasileiro junta brasileiro pra comer pizza com catupiry, tomar guaraná e dar risada até o restaurante fechar... mesmo em Raleigh. 

Piola Opens in Raleigh N.C. in North Hills, bringing to the Triangle the same mix of Italian authenticity and dynamic ambiance that it brought to many other exciting urban areas of the world. Come enjoy the Piola experience, we are looking forward to serving you.

E brasileiro fica jogando papo pro ar parado na frente do carro até a chuva chegar.
E não vai pra casa tão cedo. Brasileiro dá um pulinho no bar de Raleigh onde as equipes oficiais de queimada usando camisetas coloridas vão jogar beer pong e flip cup toda quinta feira após o campeonato. E conversa e fofoca e fala de sonhos e arrependimentos. E vai buscar o marido de muleta que estava assistindo campeonato de wrestling na casa do outro amigo. E deixa a brasileira de Boston em casa com um abraço apertado e um sorriso no rosto. Saudade dos amigos que me conhecem há mais de alguns meses.

Wed. 07/28/2010. Alone.

Kelli is gone...
It is just Bailey and I!
The house is quiet.
My finger hurts.


7-27-2010. Tue. Saudade.

Alguns dos meus queridos amigos cariocas têm mania de achar São Paulo parecida com Nova York. Discordo deles. Só acha São Paulo parecida com Nova York quem não conhece bem a cidade. Ou melhor, quem a conhece superficialmente e imagina que São Paulo seja apenas uma imensa Rua Oscar Freire.
Na verdade, o grande fascínio de São Paulo é parecer-se com muitas cidades ao mesmo tempo e, por isso mesmo, não se parecer com nenhuma.
São Paulo, entre muitas outras parecenças, se parece com Paris no Largo do Arouche, Salvador na Estação do Brás, Tóquio na Liberdade, Roma ao lado do Teatro Municipal, Munique em Santo Amaro , Lisboa no Pari, com o Soho londrino na Vila Madalena e com a pernambucana Olinda na Freguesia do Ó.

São Paulo é um somatório de qualidades e defeitos, alegrias e tristezas, festejos e tragédias. Tem hotéis de luxo, como o Fasano, o Emiliano e o L’Hotel, mas também tem gente dormindo embaixo das pontes. Tem o deslumbrante pôr-do-sol do Alto de Pinheiros e a exuberante vegetação da Cantareira, mas também tem o ar mais poluído do país.
Promove shows dos Rolling Stones e do U2, mas também promove acidentes como o da cratera do metrô e o do avião da TAM em Congonhas.

São Paulo é sempre surpreendente. Um grupo de meia dúzia de paulistanos significa um italiano, um japonês, um baiano, um chinês, um curitibano e um alemão.

São Paulo é realmente curiosa. Por exemplo: têm diversos grandes times de futebol, sendo que um deles leva o nome da própria cidade e recebeu o apelido ‘o mais querido’. Mas, na verdade, o maior e o mais querido é o Corinthians, que tem nome inglês, fica perto da Portuguesa e foi fundado por italianos, igualzinho ao seu inimigo de estimação, o Palmeiras.

São Paulo nasceu dos santos padres jesuítas, em 1554, mas chegou a 2007 tendo como celebridade o permissivo Oscar Maroni, do afamado Bahamas.

São Paulo já foi chamada de ‘o túmulo do samba’ por Vinicius de Moraes, coisa que Adoniran Barbosa, Paulo Vanzolini e Germano Mathias provaram não ser verdade, e, apesar da deselegância discreta de suas meninas, corretamente constatada por Caetano Veloso, produziu chiques, como Dener Pamplona de Abreu e Gloria Kalil.
Em São Paulo se faz pizzas melhores que as de Nápoles, sushis melhores que os de Tóquio, lagareiras melhores que as de Lisboa e pastéis de feira melhores que os de Paris, até porque em Paris não existem pastéis, muito menos os de feira.

Em alguns momentos, São Paulo se acha o máximo, em outros um horror. Nenhum lugar do planeta é tão maniqueísta.
São Paulo teve o bom senso de imitar os botequins cariocas, e agora são os cariocas que andam imitando as suas imitações paulistanas. São Paulo teve o mau senso de ser a primeira cidade brasileira a importar a CowParade, uma colonizada e pavorosa manifestação de subarte urbana, e agora o Rio faz o mesmo. São Paulo se poluiu visualmente com a CowParade, mas se despoluiu com o Projeto Cidade Limpa. Agora tem de começar urgentemente a despoluir o Tietê para valer, coisa que os ingleses já provaram ser perfeitamente possível com o Tâmisa. Mesmo despoluindo o Tietê, mantendo a cidade limpa, purificando o ar, organizando o mobiliário urbano, regulamentando os projetos arquitetônicos, diminuindo as invasões sonoras e melhorando o tráfego, São Paulo jamais será uma cidade belíssima.

Porque a beleza de São Paulo não é fruto da mamãe natureza, é fruto do trabalho do homem.
Reside, principalmente, nas inúmeras oportunidades que a cidade oferece, no clima de excitação permanente, na mescla de raças e classes sociais.

São Paulo é a cidade em que a democratização da beleza, fenômeno gerado pela miscigenação, melhor se manifesta.

São Paulo é uma cidade em que o corpo e as mãos do homem trabalharam direitinho, coisa que se reconhece observando as meninas que circulam pelas ruas.
E se confirma analisando obras como o Pátio do Colégio (local de fundação da cidade), a Estação da Luz (onde hoje fica o Museu da Língua Portuguesa), o Mosteiro de São Bento, a Oca, no Parque do Ibirapuera, o Terraço Itália, a Avenida Paulista, o Sesc Pompéia, o palacete Vila Penteado, o Masp, o Memorial da América Latina, a Santa Casa de Misericórdia, a Pinacoteca e mais uma infinidade de lugares desta cidade que não pode parar, até porque tem mais carros do que estacionamentos.

São Paulo não é geograficamente linda, não tem mares azuis, areias brancas nem montanhas recortadas. Nossa surfista mais famosa é a Bruna, e nossos alpinistas, na maioria, são sociais.
Mas, mesmo se levarmos o julgamento para o quesito das belezas naturais, São Paulo se dá mundialmente muito bem por uma razão tecnicamente comprovada.
Entre as maiores cidades do mundo, como Tóquio, Nova York e Cidade do México, em matéria de proximidade da beleza, São Paulo é, disparado, a melhor.

Porque é a única que fica a apenas 45 minutos de vôo do Rio de Janeiro. O mais importante é que com essa distância nenhuma bala perdida pode alcançar São Paulo!

(Washington Olivetto é paulista, paulistano e publicitário).


Monday. 07.26. Hospital.

I got a new splinter for my finger.
It is blue.
Should have chosen the green one.
I can move my hand and the other fingers, but the broken one has to remain still.
For three more weeks.
I saw the screw in the X-Ray.
It is long.
This sucks.

ao cair da noite, uma surpresa agradavel.
toda a felicidade do mundo a estas duas almas que eu amo.

Sun. 07.25.10 Mellow.

Mellow mushroom is where the day starts.

On the kitchen floor is where it ends.

Sat. 07/24. Aurora.

It is hot.
Kel and I go to the pool.
It is hot.
The water is hot.
The breeze is hot.
Kathleen comes over.
We chat.
We shower.
We get ready.
Adrianne comes over.
We go to Scott and Jeff.
Pete is there.
We drink.
We talk.
Pat arrives.
We leave.
We go to Mirage.
Aurora's birthday.
We dance.
We drink.
It is hot.
We leave.
We take Kathleen home.
We sleep.
It is hot.

Friday. 07/23. Scott.

Out of 30 people that I met in Raleigh, 17 of them are called Scott.

Tonight Nicole and I are going to Scott's new apartment for pizza and diet coke.

And for the first time I met a group of people from Raleigh. Born in Raleigh. Raised in Raleigh. Or about an hour away. Yup, they do exist. Regular people that drink beer and say silly things. Nothing much interesting.

07/22. Thur. Finger.

Still can't move my finger.
Still can't put my hand down.
Still hurts.

Wed. July-21. Pitch.

Today was a big day at work - The Day.
The day to present our findings about Brazil.
It's time to pitch.
It went well, I think. Could have been better. Not really sure.
Long day.
My finger hurts.
I don't think the pitch went so well.

Tue. 07-20. Chuck.

Having been sleeping well. My finger hurts. Can't type. My head hurts. Don't want any painkillers anymore, I get sick.

Chuck is an action-comedy television program from the United States created by Josh Schwartz and Chris Fedak. The series is about an "average computer-whiz-next-door" who receives an encoded e-mail from an old college friend now working in the CIA; the message embeds the only remaining copy of the world's greatest spy secrets into Chuck's brain.[1][2]
Produced by College Hill Pictures, Wonderland Sound and Vision and Warner Bros. Television, the series premiered on September 24, 2007, on NBC, airing on Monday nights at 8/7c leading into Heroes.[3][4] Despite receiving a full season pickup, the first season contained only thirteen episodes; production was stalled due to the 2007–2008 Writers Guild of America strike.[5][6] The second season started on September 29, 2008, with a full 22-episode season order.[7] NBC released the first episode of season two a week before its air date via multiple online distribution methods, and cable on demand.
After a two-month "Save Chuck" campaign mounted by fans, Chuck was renewed for a third season with a thirteen-episode order[8] that was subsequently extended to nineteen episodes.[9] A major sponsorship deal between NBC and the Subway restaurant chain was also announced to help cover costs of the third season.
NBC announced on November 19, 2009 that season 3 of Chuck would premiere on Sunday, January 10, 2010 with a two hour premiere at 9/8c before moving to its permanent timeslot of Mondays 8/7c.[10] That 2-part premiere pulled the series' highest ratings since 2007, excluding a special 3-D episode which aired the day after Super Bowl XLIII: 7.7 million viewers and a 3.0 demo rating for the first hour, falling to 7.2 million and a 2.9 for the second half.[11]
On May 13, 2010, it was announced that Chuck had been renewed for a fourth season of 13 episodes.[12] Unlike the third season which was held as a midseason replacement, Chuck will appear on NBC's fall 2010 schedule in its traditional Monday 8/7c timeslot.[13]

Monday. July 19. Diet.

The AC at home broke. Hot hot hot. Scott saved our lives. Trey and Kathleen came over to hang out.

In the hospital they told me how much I am weighing. OMG!!! Time to go on diet. Starting today. Goal: -25 lbs. Will keep you posted.


DIA - comida
18 - 12 maçãs
19 - 12 ovos cozidos (com sal)
20 - 12 bananas
21 - 1 quilo de bife grelhado (carne magra de boi) com sal
22 - 12 laranjas

depois a da proteína, exemplo
23 a 27 -
desjejum - 2 ovos fritos com bacon (comer proteína pela manhã reduz a fome do dia)
almoço - hamburguer (só carne, sem soja) com queijo e salada verde (sem pão)
tarde - presunto/salame e 1 talo de celery (salsão)
jantar - qualquer tipo de carne (frando, peixe, porco, boi, etc) e muita salada verde e/ou verdura (verde) cozida com sal
pode usar azeite à vontade e chá diet
pode usar creme de leite e maionese (mas não light)
pode azeitona, limão

28 a 2
acrescentar 1 xícara de café de cenoura no almoço OU
3 morangos no lanche da tarde

3 a 7
acrescentar 1 xícara de café de macarrão ou arroz ou batata no almoço OU no jantar (só um deles)

8 a 12
acrescentar 1 xícara de café de macarrão ou arroz ou batata no almoço OU no jantar (agora nos dois)

1 xícara de café = 50 ml

July.18. Daddy! Sunday.

Good thing about getting sick is that the family comes to visit!

My dad, who was in DC for business, came to Raleigh and spent the day with me. We tried to go out for lunch but I almost passed out and vomited in the restaurant. Doctors are usually right and I should have stayed home.

I love the painkiller. Even though it makes me sick.

Hydrocodone may cause side effects. Tell your doctor if any of these symptoms are severe or do not go away:

  • nausea
  • vomiting
  • constipation
  • drowsiness
  • dizziness
  • lightheadedness
  • fuzzy thinking
  • anxiety
  • abnormally happy or abnormally sad mood
  • dry throat
  • difficulty urinating
  • rash
  • itching
  • narrowing of the pupils (black circles in the center of the eyes)
Some side effects can be serious. If you experience any of these symptoms, call your doctor immediately:
  • slowed or irregular breathing
  • chest tightness
Hydrocodone may cause other side effects. Call your doctor if you have any unusual problems while taking this medication.
If you experience a serious side effect, you or your doctor may send a report to the Food and Drug Administration's (FDA) MedWatch Adverse Event Reporting program online [athttp://www.fda.gov/Safety/MedWatch] or by phone [1-800-332-1088].


07.17. Sat. ER

One of the fastest surgeries of my intensely-lived life.

7h30 Abraham takes me to the empty hospital. 8h00 I am taken into the OR which resembled ER, House and every other movie or series that takes place in a hospital. For a few minutes I was afraid they would cut the wrong finger, despite them having asked me 300 times if it was the left finger. For a couple of minutes I thought they would operate on my leg, despite them having asked me 300 times what my name was. Then I was sure that I would wake up in the middle of the surgery and would feel the pain and hear the Doctors saying that I was going to die or that my finger would never move again. And then I wondered if the woman who was giving me the anesthesia was in a gang and was trying to kill me, but she had a warm smile and a pink hat on. Then I was out. And then I was in the post-op room with my left finger wrapped in tons of gauze, barely able to remember everything that was being told to me. KJ was there to pick me up and she took me home where I slept most of the day, partially due to the anesthesia partially due to the painkiller.


Friday. 07/16. Friday.

And yes, the surgery is confirmed.

I have to be at the hospital tomorrow at 7h45.
And wait for two hours.
It should be over at 10h30.

Abraham is taking me there.
Kel is picking me up.

And I should sleep all day long.
and I am not allowed to move my hand for 10 days.
nor can I get it wet.

I am not worried about the pain.
it is a minor cut.
and they are just going to move my bones around.
and screw my phalange back in its regular place.

I am glad I am paying for health insurance.
Now I get to use it.

I confess I was a little scared when the nurse called to ask if I had any religious preferences.
Just in case I die.

Why do I have to take the nail polish off my toes??

Looking forward to the anesthesia.

Jon Kolkin, 77M, a hand orthopedic surgeon in private practice in Raleigh, NC, has trained surgeons in Vietnam and other international locales. He currently serves on the board of the American Orthopedic Society that oversees international mission projects, and he recently took a team to Moldova to work in an underserved area where his ancestors once lived.

07/15. thur. Phalange.

Possible surgery on Saturday: to be confirmed tomorrow.
80% recovery.
And I didn't even get up on the board...


Why do I like cheese + salami so much?


Dinner at Tobacco Road with Kel!
Weird drink at another place.
Fun talk at Brooklyn Heights.

Wed. July-14-2010. Habitat.

What is Habitat for Humanity International?
  • A nonprofit, ecumenical Christian housing ministry. 
  • We seek to eliminate poverty housing and homelessness from the world and to make decent shelter a matter of conscience and action. 
  • To accomplish these goals, we invite people of all backgrounds, races and religions to build houses together in partnership with families in need. 
  • Habitat for Humanity was founded in 1976 by Millard Fuller, along with his wife, Linda. 
  • Today, we have built over 350,000 houses around the world, providing more than 1.75 million people in 3,000 communities with safe, decent, affordable shelter. 
How does it work?
  • Through volunteer labor and donations of money and materials, Habitat builds and rehabilitates simple, decent houses alongside our homeowner (partner) families. 
  • Habitat is not a giveaway program. In addition to a down payment and monthly mortgage payments, homeowners invest hundreds of hours of their own labor (sweat equity) into building their Habitat house and the houses of others. 
  • Habitat houses are sold to partner families at no profit and financed with affordable loans. 
  • The homeowners’ monthly mortgage payments are used to build still more Habitat houses.

    Well, this is what we did.
    From 8h30am to 3h00pm.
    Under the hot hot hot hot sun.

    Not the best activity for someone with a hurt finger.

    Needless to say, at 3h05 I was at a walk in clinic.
    But it didn't have an X-ray machine so I was sent to another clinic.
    That had moved to a different address.
    But eventually my finger was looked at.
    And yeah, it is broken.
    And dislocated.
    Tomorrow morning I am going to Raleigh Hand Center.

    But I was still home before 5h00pm.
    In time to go to the gym with Kel.
    And watch 10 min of Avatar while biking.
    And stop at the grocery store on the way home.
    and get a surprise for a friend who came over but never saw the surprise.

    And have dinner and a beer and shower.
    And the sun is still out.
    My finger hurts.
    Typing hurts.
    Brushing my hair hurts.
    And the night goes on...

    Tue. 07.13.2010. Myself.

    Day to spend time with myself.
    By myself.
    Time to sit in the bathroom and paint my finger nails.
    And my toe nails.
    Moment to reflect on my life and thank the Gods.
    Talk to the Gods.
    Evening to look out the window and see the lightning in the sky.
    And wait for the rain to come.

    By myself.
    With myself.
    And the Gods.


    MONDAY. 07.12.10. ... ...

    all in all, I love my job.

    July 11. Sunday. Zzzzzzzz...

    sat. 07.10.10. Surfing...

    first surfing lesson!!! yaaaayyy!!...too tired to write... control c + control v:


    Summer brings out the best in Wrightsville Beach NC, a breathtaking stretch of paradise along the North Carolina coast: clear Atlantic waters, soul-stirring sunrises, radiant sunsets along the Intracoastal Waterway. This happy beach village is the Wright place to enjoy sailing, kayaking and bird-watching to lounging by the waves and strolling peacefully along beautiful beaches.

    Experience Wrightsville Beach as it was when famous jazz musicians performed at the legendaryLumina Daze, stock up your beach condo every Monday morning with food from our local farmer’s market, test your skills at the Castles and Scoops Sand Sculpting Event or take part in the exciting action of the Reef/Sweetwater Pro-Am Surf Fest and Cape Fear Blue Marlin Tournament.

    It’s also a great place to stay, with lodging options – resort hotels, comfortable motels and vacation beach rentals – just steps from the water’s edge with beach access parking included that will put you in the center of the action. Or you can travel over the drawbridge and blend into Wilmington’s cosmopolitan scene.

    Best of all, Wrightsville Beach, NC, situated at the end of Interstate 40 and near an international airport, is the most accessible beach on the NC coast. Check out great specials and packages and book your beach vacation now.


    burn in effigy

    Term started by Mr. Thurmond in US history class but later used by Miguel in colloqial speech. Its said when something that is bad...or something that sux balls(specially music wise)is brought up and u wanna f... erase it/them from the face of the earth. If ur gonna use it...use it right! -The common way to say it is raising up ur arms while lookin straight up. This is also appied when saying pheeza
    did u hear the new song from that poseur lizzi maguirre? no dude..but im sure the whole thing is just garbage....burn in effigy b...!

    Friday. July 09. Partay!!!!









    July 8. Thu. Texting.

    When in Raleigh, text.
    Text if it is important.
    Text if it is stupid.
    Text if it is to say you love someone.
    But text more if it is funny.
    Text to start an argument.
    And text to end a fight.
    But text.
    Text and laugh and text again.
    Careful not to text the right message to the wrong person.
    Or the wrong message to the right person.
    Or even the wrong message to the wrong person.
    But text.
    Text when you wake up.
    Text after you brush your teeth.
    Text when driving to work.
    But watch out for the pedestrians.
    Text at work. A little less often.
    Text at lunch, after lunch and on the way to the gym.
    Don't text running. Or swimming.
    But text weight lifting.
    Text during dinner and over dessert.
    Text. text. text.
    Text and Facebook. Text and email.
    Texting and calling is not yet possible.
    Unless you have another phone.
    Text to say good night.
    Text to send a kiss.
    Text to send a hug.
    Text. and when you think you are done,
    Text to make the other person smile.
    Text to make them cry.
    Text to make someone laugh.
    Text to get texted.

    But only in Raleigh.